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Creating a Dial-up Networking Connection with Windows NT 4.0

Installing Dial-up Networking

  1. From the desktop, double-click My Computer.
  2. Double-click Dial-up Networking.
  3. If you receive a message stating The phonebook is empty. Press OK to add an entry, skip to the next section, Creating a Dial-up Networking Connection.
  4. If the Dial-up Networking window opens with the phonebook list and the option to dial, again proceed to the next section to create a new connection. Otherwise, click Install, then point to the path where your NT 4.0 install files are located (for example, D:\i386) and click OK. Windows NT will now install the necessary files onto the hard drive.
  5. The Add RAS Device window will appear. If you see your modem listed in the RAS Capable Devices field, then click OK and proceed to the next step. If you do not see a modem listed, then you will need to install a driver for your modem as follows:
    1. In the Add RAS Device window, click the Install Modem button. This will start the Install New Modem wizard. You can let Windows NT try to detect you modem automatically (recommended) by clicking Next.
    2. If Windows NT detects your modem, then proceed through the wizard. If Windows NT is unable to detect your modem, you will then have the option to select your modem from a list or use a disk provided by the manufacturer. You may need to follow the directions in your modem's documentation.
  6. Highlight your modem and click the Configure button.
  7. Make sure Dial Out Only is selected.
  8. Click OK.
  9. Click the Network button.
  10. Make sure TCP/IP is the only box checked.
  11. Click OK.
  12. Click Continue in the Remote Access Setup window.
  13. After Dial-Up Networking installation is complete, click Restart to reboot the computer before continuing.

Creating a Dial-up Networking Connection

  1. From the desktop, double-click My Computer.
  2. Double-click Dial-up Networking.
  3. If you receive a message stating that The phonebook is empty..., then click OK to add a new entry. If Dial-up Networking (DUN) already has other phone book entries, click New.
  4. If the New Phonebook Entry Wizard window appears, check the box labeled I know all about phonebook entries... and click Finish.
  5. In the New Phonebook Entry dialog, select the Basic tab.
  6. Check Use Telephony dialing properties.
  7. Uncheck Use another port if busy.
  8. For Entry name, enter Your ISP's Name.
  9. Enter the country code and area code of the number you are dialing, plus the phone number itself.
  10. Under Dial using, select your modem.
  11. Click the Configure button.
  12. Set the Initial speed (BPS) to 19,200 if you have a 14.4k modem or 38,400 if you have a 28.8k modem.
  13. Make sure all three Hardware Features boxes are checked (if applicable) and that Disable modem speaker is not checked.
  14. Click OK.
  15. Select the Server tab.
  16. The Dial-up server type should be PPP: Windows NT, Windows 95 Plus, Internet.
  17. For Network Protocols only TCP/IP should be checked.
  18. Make sure Enable software compression is checked, but Enable PPP LCP extensions unchecked.
  19. Click the TCP/IP settings button.
  20. Select Server assigned IP address and Server assigned name server addresses.
  21. Leave the Primary WINS and Secondary WINS servers at
  22. Check both Use IP header compression and Use default gateway on remote network.
  23. Click OK.
  24. Select the Script tab.
  25. Make sure None is selected.
  26. Select the Security tab.
  27. Select Accept any authentication including clear text.
  28. On the New Phonebook Entry window, click OK.
  29. You will now be in the Dial-up Networking program, and the phone book entry you just created should be selected in the Phonebook entry to dial field.
  30. Click the Dial button.
  31. A window will appear asking for a username, password, and domain. The first two are required. You will need to enter your username, and password in the usual lowercase letters. Do not enter anything for the Domain it must remain blank. There is also an option to Save Password, which can be selected if desired.
  32. Click OK to dial into Your ISP's Name.
  33. Once you are connected, a window will appear informing you that you have successfully connected to the Dial-up Server. Click OK to close this window.
  34. You are now connected and may use any internet software such as Internet Explorer (installed with Windows NT).


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